Three years and many pounds ago, I was at the peak of health. Perhaps, I could even say I was definitely Fit 'n Right. I had just won a battle with obesity and my health was in tip top condition. Two years prior to this, I had been diagnosed with a medical condition called PCOS which was being exacerbated by the fact that I was grossly overweight. I went from being almost 220 pounds to about 130 in a span of about 11 months, which left me looking somewhat haggard and old. However, after finding a good balance between diet and exercise, I got to a good place with regards to my health. I was not only physically fit, but I was living a healthy lifestyle. Like I said, Fit 'n Right. Just look at the transition:
at over 200 pounds in 1998
mid -2005. Much thinner but not healthy. Look at the sunken eyes and
haggard look
early 2006: some weight regained but definitely a healthier
and happier me
However, became lazy and careless with my diet, I slowly began to gain weight again. Plus my hormone condition started acting up again, thus the pounds just keep coming on. Before I knew it, I could barely fit into my clothes again. Because of that, I decided it was (correction: IT IS!) time for me to take the
DARE TO BE FIT 'N RIGHT challenge. I know it's not going to be as easy as before, especially since I am much older now than when I first needed to lose weight, after all, it is a known fact that weight loss is usually more difficult once you reach your 30's.
Lucky for me, I got invited to the Fit n' Right Blogger Event last October 23, 2009 held in Taste Asia in the Mall of Asia where I was introduced to two revolutionary tools that can help me take on my battle with the pounds.
First is a new workout routine by sports guru and
Master Coach Jim Saret. His workout, coined the
F.I.T. Workout, or the
Fast Interval Training, it is a four-minute workout that makes you burn at least 400 calories. Not just that, this exercise actually continues to burn calories even
after the workout! Imagine that! This is a workout that definitely can fit in to almost anyone's lifestyle, especially bloggers like me who find themselves in front of the computer for hours on end. Not only is the workout quick, it also is very accessible to all because you don't need any fancy gym equipment or space for that matter. In some ways, it reminded me of a workout that my sister, who is an athlete, used to talk about. She would talk about
burst training and how these sudden intervals or bursts of speed in her strength training made her more fit. I guess the same scientific principles apply to both my sister and Coach Saret's workout. Bottom line: not only is this four minute workout is something I can have time to do, but it can burn more calories than an hour on the treadmill or several kilometers of jogging can do.
Bloggers Earth, Dani and Jeff take on the FIT Workout! The Workout
consists of a series of exercises you do in brief spurts (hence Fast Interval Training).
Exercises include body weight lifting (as Jeff is doing), squats (like Earth),
lunges (demonstated by Dani) and push ups. For beginners, do about 10 counts of
each exercise for as many reps as possible within the 4 minutes. For more
advanced individuals, you can increase difficulty by using
TheraBall, Bands andsimilar accessories.
photo credit: Jennie Aspacio of
A partner to this workout is
Del Monte's Fit 'n Right Juice Drink.

This is the second revolutionary tool to fitness. I have to be honest though: growing up I was made to believe anything with
juice drink on it was unhealthy. According to dietitians I went to back then, these were overloaded with sugar. However, these juice drinks have evolved since that time. This was even proven by a clinical study conducted by
Dra. Leonora Panlasigui and the University of the Philippines. In their study, it was proven that Fit 'n Right can help one lose as much as 16.7% body fat in 6 weeks when combined with diet and exercise. Research shows that Fit 'n Right can actually help in weight loss because of the
L-Carnitine and
B Vitamins 1, 6, 12 in it. L-Carnitine, which occurs naturally in the body and is found in many of the things we eat such as red meat, helps burn fat by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, which is known as our cell's powerhouse or energy sources. These fats are then burned into energy. Vitamin B, on the other hand, helps speed up metabolism. As such, taking Fit 'n Right at least 2 hours before exercise can help maximize it's fat burning potential. Paired with the F.I.T. workout, these juice drinks can help speed up your weight loss. Since Fit 'n Right is the first and only juice drink with a blend of L-Carnitine and B Vitamins, it really is (as their commercial claims) a
refreshing way to burn. Fit 'n Right now comes in more delicious flavors and more affordable 1 liter bottles. My personal favorites are the Blueberry and Grape, Watermelon and Apple flavors. For a healthy snack, try out the Fit 'n Right Fruit Snacks too!

One thing to remember, however, is that Fit 'n Right
alone is not the answer to losing weight. It has to be taken in with a good diet and exercise. In the same manner, just doing the FIT Workout without watching what you eat does not mean that you will lose weight. Sometimes we tend to think that taking supplements OR doing a magic workout will be enough to burn away the pounds. It has to be a lifestyle choice. This means that you don't just stop when you reach your ideal weight (which obviously I did the last time around!). It means that you have to eat, live and breathe healthy. After all, that's what being Fit 'n Right is really all about! This is why as part of their commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle, the Fit 'n Right campaign will culmuinate with the
Dare to Be Fit 'n Right Fun Run 2009 on November 22 at the SM Mall of Asia. There are 3 categories to chose from: the 3K, 5 K or 10K run. Besides the health benefits of running plus the chance to take home exciting prizes, participants also support a very worthy cause: the Men and Women's Open will benefit victims of Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng through the SM Foundation.
Fun Run Details:
When: November 22, 2009.
Where: SM Mall of Asia grounds
How: Register at the following areas:
CEMG Office – Unit 3A Vernida I Bldg., Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village, Makati City/ Look for Marianne Tapales (892.5842/09155498282);
Dare to be Fit ‘n Right booths in Bonifacio High Street, Taguig and in selected SM Hypermarkets: Mall of Asia, Sucat, Pasig, and North EDSA; Fitness First branches on November 16, 2009. You can also
Cost: Php 300 inclusive of race packet with the Dare to Fit ‘n Right Fun Run singlet, race bib, Fit ‘N Right products, etc.
Prizes at stake: cash and gift prizes from Del Monte and sponsors. Plus a chance to win a Lenovo Laptop in the raffle! to continue reading...