June 27, 2009
Nothing's On!
Since I've been stuck at home for so many days straight, I can safely say: NOTHINGS ON! There's nothing of interest showing on TV lately. Even if I have cable service, I feel like I'm stuck with a rotation of shows that just keep replaying and replaying and replaying. Should I keep going? I guess this problem can go away with a Direct TV subscription.
I kinda wonder though how different DirectTV is from my regular cable service, well, aside from the channels being offered that is. I know they do HD and all, but I don't really know the difference. Plus they boast of access to exclusive sports shows too. Okay, I suppose this is where checking out Direct T V would help, right?!?
June 25, 2009
Where Sleeping Dogs Lie.
I think anyone who knows me knows how important my Bubba is to me. Before, I could never imagine sharing my living space with a dog...from my qualms with them being stinky and dirty to concerns about what happens with flea bites in humans but since Bubba came along, things have really changed. Here he is in his bed. Wild guess where mine is? Yup! Right beside his. Who would have thought I'd end up somewhere where sleeping dogs lie. To be fair, I think being an indoor dog has really made a difference with regards to ensuring he doesn't get a lot of fleas and ticks. Also, because he sleeps near me, I make sure he is protected from these little buggers...both for his sake and mine :-)
June 24, 2009
Make Me Pretty Please!!!
I love make-up...I think most girls do! Recently, I read a post in a friends blog about Maybelline's Clear Smooth Miracles Power Foundation and said I really like products like that, but have not yet tried this particular brand. I am hoping that it is serendipitous that while blog hopping one day, I came across Frances' blog, Topaz Horizon, where she is hosting a contest where the grand prize is, yup, you guessed it, the Mineral Makeup Collection from Maybelline!Other prizes include a lip and eye collection also from Maybelline.
June 20, 2009
Fan My Classroom.
Since the A(H1N1) breakouts in various schools, some institutions have gone as far as avoiding the use of airconditioners in the classroom because of the fear of keeping the infected air circulating in the room. For the meantime, fans are being used. However, I think that the schools should consider ceiling fans instead of the usual wall fans or stand fans. Why? For two reasons: first it circulates air better and second, it is safer, especially for schools with really young kids. There's no way their fingers can get stuck in one of these types of fans right?
There are a lot of options for fans out there, from size to shape and even style! I think a modern fan company is not just concerned with quality but also with the aesthetic value of their products. Take for example these fanimation ceiling fans or these monte carlo ceiling fans! They have all sorts of different blades, such as rattan. One that I really like is that cute multicolored modern monte carlo one. Isn't it just perfect for a small preschool classroom?!?
Pet Peeves of the Month.
This month I seem to have had so many in-your-face, piss-me-off moments. Argh!!!! I'm not saying I didn't have a good month though, it was very good, but for the most part, I got so stuck in traffic so many times that I got to thinking about my pet peeves...These pet peeves irk me a lot, but unlike before, it doesn't ruin my day as much as it used to. I'm blogging about it today for two reasons: one to rant and the second to be able to become more aware of what triggers this irritation, thus allowing me to be less ticked of by it.
So here goes:
My number one pet peeve for the month is people's disrespect on the road! I hate how people take up two lanes on the road while driving...then they'll swerve back and forth to what "seems" faster. Grrr. I think this irks me because I feel so disrespected by fellow motorists.
Speaking of taking two lanes, when parking, please stay within the lines! How hard is that?!? I hate how so many parking slots are wasted because some selfish driver doesn't make an effort to make space for others.
Lastly, I hate how people cut in to your lane by the tollgate or the skyway exit...it's like, hello, I lined up for so long, why can't you!!!
HAAAAYYYYY!!!! I try my hardest not to do those things, mainly because I know I don't like it when people do it to me. I hope one day more people will get that.
On Stamp and Coin Collecting.
When I was younger, I used to collect stamps and all sorts of coins, be it local or foreign, silver or gold coins. Every weekend, my mom and I would trek to Recto to go buy gold coins and cute stamps to add to our collection.
It was a very interesting hobby, I must say. Besides that, my mom believed in unconventional ways of learning. This was her attempt in teaching me geography and history. On a recent trip to our old shopping grounds, we were saddened to see how there are not much shops left.
It's good though that nowadays, even items like these can be now bought over the internet. Cool huh? I'm not so sure how comfortable I'd be to buy gold over the internet, especially since I don't know how authentic the items will be, but as I browsed around, I saw guides and information about how to buy gold bullion and gold coins, as well as a history and background about these things.
Too bad Mom and I stopped working on our collection. Speaking of which...I wonder where it is...perhaps I could make a bundle selling them now!
Gas, gas, and more gas.
June 17, 2009
Kids and Big Bags.
This week classes in most Metro Manila schools finally got going. I couldn't help but notice how every school year, the kids' bags seem to get bigger and bigger! I don't understand why they are required so many books and to top it off, they often don't even have lockers to leave their things at! As a result, they have to lug home these books to and from school everyday!
This is so bad for kids' health, don't you think? I think even if they are using those trolley bags, it still can be dangerous. I remember once in a school I was teaching in, one of the kids fell down the stairs because her bag was too heavy!
I remember back when I was in school, we used to have a small wood locker assigned to us. However, they were quite small, nothing like those wonderful school lockers we see on television shows such as Hannah Montana or 90210! Even though they were small, however, it was a big help as I could leave the non-essentials there after class. I think Philippine schools should invest in a locker for each child in their schools, especially since we know how bad carrying all these books and supplies are for kids.
June 10, 2009
Full Circle.
Today I came full circle.
I started here two years ago, wrestling with the voices in my head. I battled the demons and slayed the dragons and today I laid them to rest back where it all began.
June 9, 2009
Daydreaming in Traffic.
Once again I found myself stuck in the most horrible traffic in the highway. I'm getting sick of it. In my attempt to keep sane, I played the movie Taken in my ipod. Yes, it was that traffic. As I watched, I wish I could drive a car the way the Liam Neeson did in the movie. Talk about a fast car. I could just imagine myself driving down an open road, just whizzing by....what a rush. I suppose other than having a great car that can handle that speed, I should also check out accessories that will boost the cars capacity for speed. Maybe one thing I could check out is an Audi turbocharger so I can do those high powered bursts and spins in the movie. *thought bubble bursts* But I guess to make the most of that power I gotta figure out a way out of the constant traffic jams in Manila first.
June 8, 2009
Do you think your blog is influential?
YES! I'd like to believe a few of my blogs are influential! I'm particularly flattered that despite being only two months old, my site www.theaccidentalteacher has gotten the nod from many of the Bloggers I respect and look up to :-)
However, up to now I've been having difficulty choosing my top ten blogs. It seems I am in the same boat as my friend is at. Since she asked, here is my attempt at helping Earthlingorgeous find her top ten, and hopefully I get to finalize my top ten too!
So here it goes:
1. The Accidental Teacher - this is my attempt to be influential! Seriously, though, I honestly started this blog with the fervent hope of using my love for writing and fascination with blogging to bring awareness to causes and advocacies I believe in, as well as to help teachers and homeschooling parents through sharing my personal experiences.
2. Let's Go Sago - who doesn't know Sago right? But more than the entertaining blog, I deeply respect and admire the man behind the blog.
3. Style and Relax - I enjoy reading this blog because Lace always has fresh new ideas to offer her readers. I was even so enthralled by her niche I attempted to start a fashion blog for the plus sized person, but decided to leave the advice to the experts instead!
4. Patay Gutom - much as I was iffy about this site because of the name (yes, for a plus sized person like me any not-so-nice term pertaining to food and eating can be a bit uncomfortable!) I've seen it's influential power. What I like best about the blog is it's collaborative style of posting, which gives me different views from their different writers.
5. Pinay Ads - for info about the up and coming events and happenings in the metro :-)
this is my entry to Earthingorgeous' contest. Wanna join?!? My official top ten list will follow...soon I hope!!!
June 7, 2009
Feed My Mailbox!
One of the lost arts nowadays is letter writing. I think since the internet has boomed, especially with the proliferation of blogs and social networks, snail mailing has gone down. The only things that get into mailboxes nowadays seem to be bills, bills and more bills.
However, as I was bloghopping recently I saw a meme that aims to feed mailboxes all around the world :-) I think it was called post crossing or something. I wasn't paying much attention to it because I didn't really care much at that time, but while browsing, I saw a whole bunch of cute residential mailboxes which got me inspired to include revamping my mailbox in my home makeover. Then of course, I gotta get some things to go in there!!!
Vacation Updates.
Since the start of my 10 day vacation this is what I've done:
NOTHING!!! Nothing work related that is...OH NO...what's gonna happen when school starts back up again?!?
Nevertheless I've taken time this break has given me to attend to many of the "me" stuff that needs to be given attention.
While I'm at it: let me remind you guys to join the Most Unforgettable Teacher Blog Contest and let me invite you too to vote for my photo scavenger hunt entry :-)
June 6, 2009
The Gadget God's Secret.
Today the Gadget gods whispered something in my ear.
They said: no more excuses. Here, this should make your life a wee bit easier.
With that I held in my hands the tool to recording interviews for my thesis and a player to keep me company as I walk (soon jog) my way to fitness.
This is part of Philips Go Gear collection, a line of MP3 players that not only offers top notch sound quality, but also caters to the style gods and goddesses in us all. With a whole array of models to choose from, there definitely is one that suits your needs.
What makes the Go Gear collection a better buy compared to other similar products on the market? Well, for one, as was pointed out during the launch, Philips' quality and technology has been tried and tested. Plus their prices are now quite competitive!
For me, I've honestly never been a big music player fan. I am more of a TV type of person, but one thing I've been looking for honestly is a player that does voice recordings well and with a long battery life for recording interviews. My Ipod doesn't support that technology without an external gadget, so I had to buy a mic thingy that you plug into the bottom of the ipod. It drains the battery so quickly though. The Philips Go Gear Aria has a built in microphone that allows you to do voice recordings. It also says something about FM recordings, but I have to explore it further to see how it works. Also, you can watch videos and view pictures in it. It also has a text reader, so I assume you can read documents or what not with it. As I get to know the product better, do expect a better review on the features! For now, all I can say is thus far, I'm impressed.
Oh, and take a look at this cool gadget:
This pretty little gadget is actually an MP3 player with a Bluetooth handset. It allows you to listen to your music then easily switch to pick up you calls on a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone. Ummm...again don't ask me how...I was just drawn by its uber chicness!!!
Click here for more details :-)
...click to continue reading...
June 5, 2009
Too Late a Hero.
On tonight's news, it was reported that Dr. Hayden Kho will be charged with abusing his victim, Katrina Halili. On one hand I am glad that there the problem of pornography and "sexting" is being addressed, but on the other, I can't help but be grossly disappointed by the whole system. Why? Because this problem has been existing for so long and they never did anything till now. Yes, they are indeed too late the hero.
It's so sad that the only reason this problem has gotten this much attention is only because of the personalities involved. Why, when it was the cases of unknown students and people, there was no senate or NBI investigation? This just goes to show how backward our justice system still is. Let me give credit where credit is due though: finally they are paying attention to the problem. Maybe with this redemption can be found.
June 4, 2009
Home Makeover in the Making
Lately I've been thinking about giving my house the makeover it deserves. From fixing the roof to a new paint job, and even perhaps new furniture and accessories, I think that this will give the house a more homey feel. Since I got a 10 day reprieve from work, I decided to browse for furniture online. I came across a site that featured a wide selection or bedroom, living room, dining room and even home office furniture. My favorites, perhaps, were the featured storage beds, as it's perfect for small rooms. Looking at the photos, the pieces looked very stylish and modern. I also liked how the site had lots of very detailed photos of the furniture in one page, so I did not have to go from one page to another, although the pictures were not that large. Nonetheless, the sites design is streamlined enough so you can immediately see all your options.
June 3, 2009
My Mandatory 10 Day Vacation.
A case of AH1N1 was confirmed in one of the students in DLSU and as per DOH directives, the school is under campus closure.
The university has handled it well, I think. Within a few hours bulletins have been sent, the school guards and discipline officers went from room to room to inform the students and faculty about the situation and within 2-3 hours, bulletins were up in the school website.
Given that we were the first to really start classes (given the trimestral system), it seems that this can be deemed a "test case" of what should be done should there be further cases.
It makes me wonder though: should classes still start as scheduled?!? Or is a postponement necessary at this point?
check out my other blogs! yapatoots | Fat Girl No More | Daydream Believer | Teacher Ria | OnADietDaw