
May 14, 2009

You've Gotta Be Kidding Me...No AC?!?

Getting in a car often means one thing to me: cold AC. It's one of the perks of being in a car! However, for some reason, AC's seem to fail when the car is a few years old.

Many people think the worst time for your car's AC to fail is in the height of summer. While being stuck in an AC-less car under extreme heat is indeed dangerous and uncomfortable, for me, it's worse when my AC fails in the middle of a storm. You see, with the heat, opening the window is an option. Even though it is not enough to overpower the heat, there is some form of a solution. However, when it's raining cats and dogs, driving a car without AC is so difficult as the glass tends to fog thus hampering visibility. Plus the inside of the car gets muggy. This reminds me, before the rainy season sets in, I should go have my car's compressor checked and find out if a diesel fuel pump is something I should look into before I get stuck in a car without air conditioning.

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