
May 20, 2010 taps into my inner bagaholic!

I swore I will never buy a branded bag in my lifetime. No matter how popular or beautiful these bags may be, whether it is a Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada or Hermés, I wasn't going to buy them. Now...if I were to be given one as a present, that's another story!!!

Anyway, when I was browsing through the website (I was looking if they had any of those good, sturdy laptop bags for sale  that's suitable for traveling. Last time I went out of town my laptop kinda got squeezed around because my bag was not airplane worthy!) I came across a whole bunch of these branded bags. I quickly dismissed them and wondered why people spent so much money on these bags until I came across something that caught my eye:

Pretty, right? Against my better judgment, I clicked it and fell in love with it even more! *sigh*

What I like about it is that it's a super simple and classic design without so much fanfare and yet can catch anyone's eye (it sure caught mine!) Plus, it reminds me of the bag in the television show Rubi which stars Angelica Panganiban. Being a big fan of that show I suppose is what attracted me to this bag. Hers was black though, but I prefer this gold version. However, the price tag broke my heart!!!

Yes, my inner bagaholic suddenly came back to life!

I guess it's back to the bag search for me since this is an impossibility for me! Luckily has a whole bunch of other beautiful bags, some preloved, some brand new. I'm sure something here will fit my budget. Let's just hope I don't get sidetracked by all the other products and  classified ads in the website or else I'd be needing more than just 217,000!!! This may be a tall order though: browsing through these ads is so easy and user-friendly, plus it makes doing online purchases so easy that it will take every ounce of effort to control myself. Although I have to admit, having online shopping so readily available in a local setting is a great thing. Perhaps I should think about selling some things there too, what do you think?

May 12, 2010

Showbiz Politics

With the end of the elections, the people's mandate is clear: showbiz is not always a guarantee to Philippine politics. HOWEVER, a large percentage of showbiz personalities still won their various posts. Take for example Lucy Torres-Gomez and Manny Pacquaio. We also have the topnotcher senatorial bet Ramon Bong Revilla. I am not taking away anything from these actors-sports personalities-etcetera turned politician but one thing is clear with me: I hope they do a good job. Perhaps personally I wouldn't have voted for them, but who knows what the next six years will bring. Let's see and hope for the best. Just remember: unlike the movies, there isn't a take two here so please do it right :-)

Webhosting, HTML and other online language

Two years ago, I knew nothing about CSS, HTML and all these foreign sounding codes. I figured, why'd I have to learn about it when I had my free blogging platform that worked like a charm. It had built in designs and templates, all I really needed to do was type in my text and click publish. However, after some time I got bored with the backgrounds, the colors and so on and so forth so I started exploring the lay-outs and codes. Soon enough I learned what java script meant and these previously unknown terms became understandable to me. At first, it was limited to just tweaking the html codes. My biggest accomplishment at that time was being able to install my own favicon, thanks to some online tutorials!!!

Today I have progressed to knowing about bandwidth, cpanel and cheap hosting plans that offered the best package for your blogging needs. I am lucky I have a web host who helps me a lot with figuring out how things work and who gives me tips to improve the monetizing potential of my blogs. It's nice that even someone like me can redesign and tweak my blogs almost completely independently.

The next thing I have to master with this whole blogging thing is remembering how all these things work and more importantly: the passwords of all my different blog accounts!!!

Bubba's Vacation!!!

I am looking forward to Thursday because at long last, I will be taking Bubba back to the beach!!! :-) The last time we were there was October two years ago and both he and I enjoyed it a lot. The only downside to our trip is the fact that my trusty old point and shoot camera broke down...just when I bought a new battery for it. For some reason, it started taking photos with all these random white lines on it. My online friends say it looks like a lens problem and that having it repaired may not be worth it. I'm gonna give it a shot though, but most likely they're right :-( Funny though, it can still take videos. Let's see what happens from here. I'm trying to stop myself from buying a new one because a.) I don't really need it and b.) I have my SLR camera anyway. But I still want a handy point and shoot!!! Gadget gods please send one my way!!!

May 9, 2010

Schoolhouse Cleanup

One of the hardest things to do in terms of getting ready for an upcoming school year is updating the equipment and cleaning up the school grounds, especially when you have a limited budget to work with. In our school, one other problem we have to contend with is that since we are renting the building, we cannot just do structural repairs such as changing the roofing or taking down a wall without the permission of the owner.

If I could, I would really want to explore flooring solutions for our covered playground area because I truly detest the cemented area where the kids play

 Even though our playground looks nice, that particular area worries me because of it's accident potential. We also have an area near my classroom that has a pebble wash flooring which I want to do something about, such epoxy slip-proof flooring just like what I saw in the flooring solutions melbourne site. I think this may make our school even safer for our kids.

May 8, 2010

Wanna win some $$$? :-)

One of my other blogs, is celebrating it's FIRST BLOG ANNIVERSARY!!! :-) Thanks to a whole bunch of sponsors and supporters, I am hosting a thanksgiving contest and I am inviting you all to join. This is a great opportunity to take time out and give thanks and recognize what we are grateful for.

The prizes are as follows:

  •  GRAND PRIZE :-)

      • $30 USD via Paypal
      • INFO domain plus hosting for one year
      • 1  Pinoy Blogger Shirt from Lakwatsero
      • 1 Yummy Book
      • Sponsorship Link for 6 months
      • running ads link for 1 year
      • 2 125×125 banner ad for a month
  • Other prizes: 

    • First Place
      • $15
      • 1,500 EC credits
      • A dress from the Fab Recessionista
      • 1 YummyBook
      • Sponsorship Link for 6 months
      • running ads link for 1 year
      • 1 month ad space
    • Second Place
      • $10
      • 1,000 EC credits
      • Starbucks Cap from
      • 1 Yummy Book
      • Sponsorship Link 6 months
      • 1 month ad space
    • Third Place
      • $5 via Pay Pal
      • 1,500 Ec credits
      • Starbucks Cap from
      • 1 Yummy Book
      • Sponsorship Link for 6 months
      • ad space for 1 month
  • Special Awards
    • The Early Bird Prize goes to the first officially verified and completed entry (Based on the main contest requirements)
      • $5 via Pay Pal
      • Pinoy Blogger Shirt
      • Starbucks ID Lace
      • 2 ad spaces for 1 month
    • Top Commentator
      • $5 via Pay Pal
      • 1 Starbucks China Demitasse Cup
      • 1 Pinoy Blogger Shirt
      • 1 Yummy Book
      • Sponsorship Link 6 months
      • I year running ads at the blog site
      • 2 ad spaces for 1 month
    • High Score!
      • $5 via Pay Pal
      • 1 Pawnacea “Walk in the Park” Kit: a pot of Paw Balm and a bottle of Grooming Spray :)
      • 1 Globe Tattoo USB stick
      • 1 Starbucks ID lace from
      • 1 Dress from the Fab Recessionista
      • 1 GC  60 minute superskin or cosmeceutical facial from VX Facials
      • 2 ad spaces
      • AND MY FAVORITE PRIZE: A Starbucks Tumbler! :-)

Never over-estimate a quarter-tank full of gas.

I should listen to my mother more.

She always tells me to NEVER let my gas tank go below the one-fourth line because she says that by doing so, I run the risk of letting the sediment in the gas tank circulate throughout the engine of the car, thus affecting the car's life span. She says that once these problems start up, it can trigger a chain reaction where the gaskets can blow, the timing belt and fan belts get loose and what not. In general, I try to listen. However, since I received a BDO Emerald Rewards card which earns me points if I gas up in a Petron station, I tend to be more careless about it because I keep delaying gassing up until I come across such a station.

Last Sunday, I got in my car and saw that the indicator read a wee bit before the 1/4 mark. I decided that it would be okay enough to drive to the mall where I was supposed to meet my friends and to gas up in the Petron station nearby. Little did I know that there was a massive traffic jam due to the Tears for Fears concert PLUS a campaign rally being held along EDSA. I got held up in traffic for over 3 hours and yes, that 1/4 tank of gas started to run out! I was panicking like all hell!!! I was imagining the worst already because I was stuck in the major thoroughfare with no end in sight! And yes: there were no nearby gas stations!!!

Lesson learned: listen to your mother!!! I guess she was right when she said be cautious about the maintenance of my car or else it could end up like my friends honda accord or her toyota corolla which have gotten old and dilapidated and....well....not even the Humpty Dumpty or car repair companies such as San Francisco auto repair could put them back together again!

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