
August 27, 2009

Surf's Up!

So I did brave those waves and while it was surf's up...I was not up!!! I ended up in this position mostly harharhar! Nontheless, I still had tons of fun.

I learned a lot during Sago's Surfing Trip, and this does not only have something to do with surfing.

For one, I learned to go on a trip without my usual bunch of friends, something that an introvert (yes, I'm an introvert, shy type pa, kahit hindi obvious!) like me has difficulty doing. I shared the room with fellow blogger Cher, opting for twin sharing over a larger group kasi nga shy ako!

I also learned to play things by ear, which was due to the fact that we rode a jeepney going to Halo Halo de Iloko even if none of us knew exactly where it was. I don't usually do that! I am the type who has to know where and what to expect so riding a jeep and not knowing exactly where we were going was anxiety provoking.

I also learned to let down my guard a bit. I mean, it takes a lot for someone my size to feel comfortable revealing herself in front of a bunch of strangers, right? But I was able to let that go! I even was able to join in on a jump shot...something I've never done as carefree-ly before :-)

While I may not really have learned to surf, I definitely took home much more than that. Plus of course, thanks to the many sponsors, a whole lot of loot! I even won a necklace from Bico Australia.

The event was presented by the following:

Philippine Dept. of Tourism and Bico Australia

And also the following sponsors:

Starbucks Coffee (I loved the cap and lanyard I won :-) )
VMV Skin Research Centre + Clinics

Media Partners
Qtube of QTV (Official TV Media Partner)
Men’s Health & Women’s Health Magazine (Official Print Media Partner)
Web.Com.Ph (Official Web Hosting Partner) (Official Online Media Partner)
CreatiVoices (Official Podcast Partner)

with the support of:
Travel Factor

August 22, 2009

Flower Power!

Lately I've taken a liking to taking photos of different kinds of flowers. I find it very calming and relaxing, especially when the flowers are in full bloom. However, I don't always have the luxury of going outdoors to do so. One day, when I entered a bathroom, I was greeted by a pleasant sight: real flowers in a little indoor planter. It made me realize that flowers need not to always be outdoor things.

It's nice that flower holders are no longer limited to the typical vase where cut flowers are placed. Whether indoor or outdoor, having plants around can definitely be soothing to the soul. I think having these little accents around the house are a great idea! Placing a window box planter or perhaps other decorative planters by a bay window or near my kitchen window will definitely add flair to what would otherwise be a mundane spot in my house.

August 18, 2009

A Movie to Brighten UP Your Day!

I have always loved cartoons. In many ways, it keeps me feeling young and carefree. While I have my qualms about many of the cartoons shown on television, a lot of big screen cartoons have really touched my heart deeply. The latest of these is the Disney Pixar movie UP. When I first saw the trailer, I thought it would be just another cute flick that I would enjoy. An added bonus was that it was a 3D movie.

But after watching the film, I can definitely say it was not just another entertaining 3D movie. Not since the cartoon Charlotte's Web did I cry so much in a cartoon! There are many lessons embedded in the story and these life lessons are truly valuable ones that I am taking with me. Perhaps the best way I can sum it up is that UP is a movie that tells us what life is really all about.

UP opens in cinemas tomorrow, August 19. Thank you TV5 for the invites to the advanced 3D screening held in SM Megamall Cinema 1 last August 14!

August 13, 2009

In Memory of a Great Kulasa.

The past two weeks has been a rather tumultuous one for Philippine politics. While we may not be at the throes of a revolution or coup de état, we have to recognize how two very important women in our history have shown us the faces of good and evil. Both these Philippine Women Presidents have filled pages of the broadsheets, magazines, and blogs with tales that bring pride and shame to the name "Filipino". On one hand, we have the simple Kulasa who became an unwitting hero by carrying on her slain husbands dreams. On the other, the extravagant, self-indulgent daughter of a former adored president.

However, despite the shame I feel now about how we are being led by a leader who seems to be living in a world of fantasy where her economy is strong, I still hold on to the pride I have as a Filipino and believe that indeed, the Filipino is worth dying for. As such, we have been given the gift of a free nation and I will do my best to be part of this democracy.

Here's to the Great Kulasa, President Corazon C. Aquino. May her soul rest in peace.

*Kulasa, for those who do not know, is a term of endearment used to call students of St. Scholastica's College.

August 10, 2009

Shopaholic Needs To Exercise.

I really need to make changes in my lifestyle soon. I've put on quite a bit of weight lately and it's beginning to affect my everyday life. I am not as active as I used to be and this makes shedding the weight almost impossible. Coincidentally, I found myself looking at a site featuring perhaps the most effective exercise equipment for my liking (besides walking, that is). I always used to enjoy riding a bicycle, but finding a good bike has been difficult, mainly because I can't find the right kind of seat or saddle for it. Most of the time I just check out ready made bikes, the low-end ones to be precise, and go from there.

Apparently, choosing the right saddle can help with the soreness and discomfort some bikes can bring. I think one other mistake I used to make was buying a mountain bike that was more for a man than one for women. While most bikes are indeed unisex, I think there are certain designs more suitable for a woman's body.

They say biking burns a lot of calories really quickly, and my doctor even says that it is better on the joints compared to jogging. With that, maybe its time for me to dust off my old helmet and get myself a good bike.

August 9, 2009

When In Vegas....

Like the saying goes, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...except perhaps when its a blockbuster movie like the Hangover! I caught the special screening of this flick courtesy of Warner Bros. last Thursday and it was a blast! It was a great way to wind down a long week filled with our nations' sadness.

The Hangover is a story of a bachelor party gone bad. Two days before his wedding, buddies Phil, Stu, and Alan throw an all-out bash for Doug that he'll never forget. That's if they can remember what happened in the first place! After a night of partying, the buddies wake up to find the groom missing and that all hell had broken loose at their amazing villa.
From unexpected turns and twists and hilarious escapades, this Vegas vacation definitely became one for the books for this foursome. The movie kept the audience gasping for air from laughing too much for almost the entire film. Even though this may not be my type of movie, I still found myself in stitches.

What I liked most about the movie, however, is that it gave me a peek into the dynamics of male friendships, something which is quite rare. It also gave me an insight into how guys deal with things, which, apparently, is not as different as women do. Well, at least the way I do!

So if you're out for a good laugh or a fun movie date, The Hangover is a sure winner. The movie stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Heather Graham, Justin Bartha and Jeffrey Tambor, is directed by Todd Philips, and presented by Warner Bros. Pictures in association with Legendary Pictures, a Green Hat Films Production.

Again, much thanks to Warner Bros. for the invitation to the screening!

Catch The Hangover in a theater near you starting August 12, 2009.

August 8, 2009

Reactivate Youthful Skin with Lancome Genifique.

Caring for my skin has never been my strong suit. I have to admit, I'm quite lazy when it comes to moisturizing, cleansing and toning my skin. For the most part, I'm pretty set with just soap and water. However, when I hit 30, I noticed that my skin simply was not the same as it used to be. It was visibly less smooth and supple and at times, splotchy. Top this with the fact that I am a big beach fan. While I do make sure I put sunblock, I realized that it isn't enough to counteract the effects of aging.

Last July 24, I was invited to the launch of Lancome's latest skin care product, aptly called Genifique. It is a youth activating serum that targets the main source of aging: our genes. Through ten years of research, they found that regenerating proteins in our genes will reactivate the activity of the genes of youth in our bodies allowing us to have the skin we were meant to have.

When I first heard this, I didn't believe in it much. Like I said, I'm the type to be good with just cleaning my face with soap and water. But I tried using the Genifique for the last few days and I noticed that my skin does feel softer and there seem to be less bumpy things around my nose and forehead. I also like how it isn't sticky and sweet-smelling. It applies smoothly and dries quickly which is a great thing, especially here in the Philippines. It made me realize how different it is from other products especially those that are more "lotion"-like that kinda feel heavy on the face. Those sticky lotions kinda make me feel like the dust and grime of the city sticks more to my face. With the Genifique, it was as if I had nothing on. Well, except for the fact that my skin was just better :-) Too bad I only had the little sample tubes to try!

August 3, 2009

Taking Care of Lola.

In the last few years, my lola's (grandmother's) Alzheimers has steadily progressed. At this point in time, she is already almost completely bed-ridden and has a stomach tube feeding her. Caring for her stirs up a whole gamut of emotions, from sadness to frustration, to anger and fear. Understanding dementia often is very difficult, even for someone like me with a psychology background. Watching her decline has been tough and exhausting, but now that we know the dementia symptoms better, its gotted somewhat easier, albeit still as emotionally charged.

What really helps the family cope with dealing with lola's condition now is the availability of information about Alzheimers and how to cope with it. Although there is no cure for Alzheimers and dementia, there are a lot of dementia treatment options, especially in the early stages. Keeping track of symptoms, understanding the progression of the disease and arming yourself with knowledge is definitely key in making the transition from frustration to acceptance much smoother.

August 2, 2009

SM Mall Just Keeps Getting Better and Better!!!

When I was younger, SM Southmall was my mall destination. It was one of the closer malls to me and it was right across my car's service center, so every time I'd have my car done, I'd have a place to hang out in. I remember how I used to take my little brother to Storyland here. He was just about two years old or so then. However, since I started working, things have changed and so the malls I frequent have differed as well.

Today, I drove back the familiar route to SM Southmall in Las Pinas and was amazed by the changes the mall has taken. In the south parking area, where a mailing station used to be, if I'm not mistaken, is a Starbucks. Feeling tourista tuloy ako. I'm glad that Southmall has taken the plunge into cyberspace like many of its other SM counterparts. Finally, one near my home!

Aside from the row of restaurants that wasn't there before, now SM Southmall is Wifi Enabled. Yes! Completely Wifi enabled! Today, August 2, 2009, SM Southmall gets HOT on the SPOT! I'm here checking it out. So far so good :-) In fact, earlier while walking around I was plurking with my Nokia E63 and even while inside different shops, I did not lose my connection. Hmmm....I wonder if I'll get a signal in the bathroom hehe! That was one of the experiments I did when I attended the SM Marikina wifi testing event.

Being a blogger and an internet afficionado, having wifi access is definitely an important factor for me in choosing venues for meetings and even for simply lounging around, what more when I don't have to pay extra for it. I greatly appreciate how SM Malls, not just Southmall, provide services like this for it's customers. Also, there's free open parking! Coming to SM Southmall need not to cost extra. This is a big plus for us as we try to make the most of our money. I mean, when I go to other malls, I spend about 45 pesos on parking. Then if I go online, I use up my phone credits or have to buy an internet card. Given this, maybe my trips to Southmall may just be a little more frequent. Come to think of it, I can do my groceries here and surf at the same time!

August 1, 2009

Beefing Up Home Security.

In the past few months, reports of burglaries and home invasions have been slowly escalating. I suppose the declining economy is to blame. It seems that more and more people are finding it difficult to cope with the cost of living that they resort to stealing and breaking into others' homes. I remember a friend of mine caught someone trying to break into her home! Lucky for her even if she did not have one of those high-tech home security systems, her home companion was alert enough to hear some unusual movements by their backdoor. What's even more frightening is how home security is being breached now, even though one lives in a gated community or subdivision with security outposts.

This is why I love living in my village. Not only am I secure with the guards employed, they continuously rove around the village all night and day. In fact, one night when I was walking my dog outside my house, a roving guard came up to me to check on what I was doing out in the middle of the night. I'm not saying that there are no incidents of robbery and the like here, but for the most part, I feel generally confident enough. Nonetheless, having a Home Security Surveillance System can help increase your safety and let you get a good night's sleep. Getting a guard dog, installing motion detector sensors that set of lights and being vigilant are also key. Speaking of which, let me go check if my doors are locked!

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