
April 6, 2011

Alternative Sleepwear and More

I love sleeping in very loose and comfortable pajamas. No, I do not like night shirts and lingerie, just jammies. However, when I go on overnight trips and have to bunk with a roomie for the night, I kinda need something that doesn’t look too comfy and err....homey. One thing I have discovered are hospital scrubs. I don't know if you have ever tried them, but they're quite nice to wear.

My friend who is a physical therapist actually introduced these to me. Since this is her uniform and she works with kids, she gets the nice ones with cartoon characters and all but for someone like me who is neither a doctor, nurse or therapist, one of those discount medical scrubs will do.

Nowadays, these medical uniforms are not limited to doctors and nurses anymore. Almost anyone can wear them, in fact. As for me, one reason I like them, besides of course it's inherent comfort, is the fact that I used to wish I were a doctor and so this is as close I get to the profession that I used to want to get into. Haha. And you thought only children played pretend and dress up, huh?

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