
July 15, 2006

World Without Cash...again

A month and a half ago I wrote this rant in my other blog:

I received another bill today and I nearly burst into tears...I've never been this cash-strapped since high school!!! Sure, I'm happy and challenged with work and what I'm doing professionally, but it's hit me how much I miss my old paycheck! It may not have been much, but having the security of knowing I get this much every 15th and 30th sure was comforting. Although my earning capacity as a Consultant now is much higher, it is not as stable as when I was earning a teachers salary...

I've never been good at "saving up for a rainy day" and everytime I got my paycheck it seemed to slip away so quickly just by entering Kamiseta or Bayo. Now, even though I know they're on sale at Gateway, I can't go!!! I feel so frustrated, constricted and restricted!!!

Much as this may be so, I stop and think about how lucky I still am, because I can still manage to pay my bills without needing to ask for money or borrow from someone. In many ways, I beleive, that I can indeed still survive in this world without cash. Admittedly, though, I hope it doesn't last too long...I can't wait to afford to splurge on a weekend in Bora or a new outfit in Kamiseta again!!!!

It had admittedly gotten better since then, although not enough to feel unconcerned about the endless barrage of bills and dues. But yesterday, I hit rock-bottom. My trusty old car died after 9 and a half years of faithful service. Albeit it's redeemable, it's not the same. It was so frustrating because it was an extra expense I can't afford. Just when things started looking up, it went back down again. Sometimes I think of just giving it all up and finally conceding to the call of the American dollar. After all, I have a child development background plus an almost-masters degree in psychology. Teachers are in big demand, so I've heard. But for some unexplainable reason, I wanna stay. I just hope I climb out of this rut soon.

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